Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Slime Time!

A lot of Cub Scouts asked for it so here's the recipe the Wolf Den used to make some homemade slime!

Ingredients: Water, one teaspoon of Borax (found in dishwashing aisle), one 5 oz container of clear school glue, food coloring of whatever color slime you want to make
Hardware: Two mixing bowls, measuring cup, spoon for mixing

1) Mix 1 teaspoon of Borax with 1 cup of water
 in one bowl
2) Mix glue with 1/2 cup of water
 in the other bowl
3) Add 6 drops of food coloring to the glue mixture
4) Add the Borax mixture to the glue mixture
5) Knead the slime to get the water out. Your hands will get sticky and wet!

6) Drain the remaining water
7) PLAY!

While the slime is still moist be careful you don't get food coloring on your clothes, rugs or furniture! After you play with it for a while though it will dry out enough so that it won't leave traces.

You can mold it, break it up and smoosh it back together. Don't put it in your mouth though, please!

Keep it in a baggy and the slime should stay malleable for about a week.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Blithewood Park Tree Lighting

Thank you to the all the Scouts from Pack 70 and Troop 70 who took part in the opening flag ceremony for the Blithewood Park Tree Lighting.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cub Scout T-Shirts

Pack 70 will be ordering its first official Cub Scout t-shirts in the weeks to come. These shirts will serve as "Class B" uniforms which can be worn at potentially messy pack activities like park clean-ups or spaghetti dinners.

Scout shirts are just  $5 each (subsidized by our fund raising activities) and adult sizes cost $10. If you didn't get an order form this week we'll have more at every meeting. Please return your order form by the Dec. 17 meeting and be sure to pick a size your Scout can wear for multiple years (these guys grow fast!) Full payment is due when the shirts are delivered.

Space Derby!

Congratulations to all our Scouts for participating in our thrilling Space Derby. 

We saw lots of great shuttle designs, fantastic paint jobs and some photo finishes as the spaceships hurtled down the wires. Like all good racing events, there were also plenty of last minute repairs so thanks to all the parents, leaders and other rocket scientists who worked in the pit crews!

Now everyone can start thinking about the Pinewood Derby in April...

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Four Seasons Hike - Fall Edition

Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos took part in a 3.6 mile hike at Broadmeadow Brook.
A little bit of rain and wind but plenty of fun!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween party!

Cub Scouts had a great time playing games, exploring the "Haunted House" and enjoying treats brought in by their generous parents. Thank you to everyone for making the evening a success.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Scenes from "Bring a Friend to Scouts" night

Opening Ceremony
"Outrun the Bear" skit

Wolf Scouts fire catapults made from popsickle sticks and rubber bands