Monday, September 30, 2013


Members of Pack 70 (with some help from Troop 70) did a great job kicking off the popcorn drive Saturday, Sept. 28, at Stop & Shop. 

A warm thank you goes out to all the generous folks who supported the pack today as well as the Scouts and parents who volunteered their time on a lovely weekend morning. Everybody put into action the "help other people" part of the Cub Scout Oath.

The next show & sell will be on Sunday, Oct. 6, at the Lincoln St. Lowes from 9am-1pm.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Want to sell popcorn online? 

Did you know that you can also email family and friends to see if they'd like to help support your Cub Scout and our Pack?

Just follow the steps below: 

1. Go to
2. Click the large “Sign in or Register” button.
3. Click on “Create an Account” at the top of the page and choose “Scout” in the drop-down menu.
4. You’ll need to enter a birth date to continue.
5. Fill in the form. The Council name is Mohegan. The District is Quinsigamond. Our Unit is Pack 0070 - Our Lady of Lourdes.
6. You must enter an email address for the Scout and an adult.  If the Scout doesn't have an email address, a parent or guardian can use his/her address in both fields.
7. The adult will get an email to verify the Registration. Click on the dark red Activate Account bar in the email.
8. Once you’ve logged in to the site, click on the “Spread the Word” link in the top navigation bar. Enter the names and emails for anyone you'd like to share the fundraiser with.

Good luck! We sincerely appreciate everyone's efforts in supporting Pack 70.

Welcome to our blog

Pack 70 is off to an exciting start this Fall. 

Check this blog regularly for information on upcoming events and recaps of recent activities. We also have an online calendar linked in the upper right of the homepage.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please use the Contact Form to the right.