Monday, March 17, 2014

Winter hiking at Trout Brook Reservation

Webelos from Pack 70 and Boy Scouts from Troop 70 did a great job on Sunday, March 16 hiking the Blue, White and Red Trails at the Trout Brook Reservation 
The sun was shining but all the ice and snow still on the ground made for some exciting slips and slides, as well as a few adventures when crossing bridges and streams.
Akela Sal gave the Scouts some lessons in dendrochronology (the study of tree rings.)

Everyone hiked over four miles then the Boy Scouts went that extra mile, literally, to get up to five.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Getting Ready for Pinewood Derby!

Scouts worked on painting their cars at our last meeting.
Pack 70's Derby is being held at the West Lodge of Treasure Valley on Saturday, April 5th. The whole family is invited to come cheer on the racers.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lessons from Sergeant Donohue

Pack 70 had a friendly visit from Worcester Police Sergeant Donohue on March 4th.
Sergeant Donohue relayed some basic safety tips for youths, such as always calling for a parent when approached by a stranger.

Scouts also got to try on some police equipment:
 And do some role-playing, like searching a vehicle for stolen property...
...helping an unruly bar patron to find his way home...
...and apprehending some suspicious subjects.
 The lesson ended with fingerprinting, an essential crime fighting tool.
All of Pack 70 would like to thank again Sergeant Donohue for his time.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cub Freeze!

A great big congratulations goes out to the Cub Scouts who participated in the second annual Cub Freeze at Treasure Valley.

Getting the sleds through the slow in below freezing temperatures was certainly an adventure.
The patrols from Pack 70 took home the third and second place trophies!

The events at the Cub Freeze awarded Scout Spirit, that special mix of enthusiasm and teamwork, so we're very proud of our Scouts for doing such an awesome job.

 First Aid
 Making Baked Apples with Cinnamon, Butter and Sugar

Sled Inspection
 Ravine Crossing

 Ice Soccer

Patrol #5 - Third Place!
 Certificate and Woggle Presentation at Pack Meeting - Third Place Team
Certificate and Woggle Presentations at Pack Meeting - Second Place Team