Saturday, August 30, 2014

Joining Night!

Tuesday, June 16th, 6-7 pm @ You, Inc. (81 Plantation St. - ground floor)

No regular pack meeting this night as we'll be holding an open house for any boys interested in joining our Pack. Please spread the word to any classmates, neighbors and friends who might like to learn more about the adventure of Cub Scouts.

Current Scouts are of course welcome this night as well as they can help answer questions and show how much fun they're having in Pack 70.

First Pack Meeting!

Tuesday, Sept. 9th, 6 pm
Blithewood Playground

Our usual meeting location at You, Inc. is being painted, so we'll be kicking off our first meeting with an outdoor service project followed by games and some healthy snacks.

Scouts should wear their class B uniforms (the yellow t-shirts).

In addition to telling everyone about our popcorn fundraising, we will also be collecting the registration fee for this season ($65 - no increase over last year.)

Please contact us at with any questions.

Four Seasons Hike - Summer Edition

Last weekend Pack 70 completed its four part hiking series at the Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center. We explored the trails in each of the seasons, Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer, learning more about and appreciating the differences in the wildlife and environment throughout the year.

We took a slight diversion from the usual route this time as the boys got to explore a recently created trail to the Red Maple Marsh.

How dry has this summer been? The Frog Pond been reduced to a mud pit.

Congratulations to the Scouts who participated in all four hikes. They will be awarded a special prize at an upcoming Pack Meeting. Thank you to all the parents who came with their Scouts as well!

If your Scout missed one or more of these hikes but would still like to earn a prize, please contact Akela Mike.

For the upcoming Scout year we will continue our tradition of a Sunday afternoon hike every month. We'll be hitting trails all over the Worcester area, so mark your calendars and watch this space for more details.