Thursday, September 25, 2014

Off to a great start!

The Cub Scouts of Pack 70 got off to great start in their first official den meetings. 
For example, the Wolves (above) worked together putting up a tent outside then shared their s'mores with the Bear den who just completed some "Feats of Strength."  

Scouting is centered on "fun with a purpose" so we'll be learning and laughing lots in the months to come.
Congratulations to Andrew and Nathan (above) for winning the Four Seasons Hiking Prize. They participated in all four hikes in all four seasons at Broad Meadow Brook that started last Fall.

This year we're hoping to do a hike every month! Watch our email newsletter, the online calendar and this blog for full details. Who knows - if we can climb a mountain in the Spring maybe Akela Mike will treat everyone to pizza? :)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Perkins Farm Hike

New and returning Cub Scouts (plus one Boy Scout) took part in a speedy two mile hike through the Perkins Farm Conservation area.
We were lucky to trek during a break from the rain but there was no avoiding the heat and bugs.
After the hike the Scouts pitched in to help clean up the litter at the trail head. They filled a garbage bag and then everyone got home in time to watch the rest of the Patriots game. 
Next month we'll be hiking the Cascades Trails taking us through Worcester, Holden and Paxton. Stay tuned for more details.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Perkins Farm Hike

Did you know there's hiking behind the Perkins Farm Marketplace?

The trails in this 80-acre sanctuary will lead us by oak trees and glacial boulders as well as the foundations of old farm buildings.

Join us Sunday at 1 pm behind the Stop 'n Shop on Grafton St. for the first of our monthly hiking excursions.

Please note that every Cub Scout must be accompanied by an adult. This is a family hike, so siblings and other family members are welcome to join us as well.

Everyone should bring some water and snacks. Prepared Scouts will also bring an extra pair of socks (a hiking necessity!)  This event is rain or shine so dress for the weather.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Starting the season with service!

The Cub Scouts of Pack 70 and the Boy Scouts of Troop 70 got the Scouting year off to a great start by helping to clean up around Blithewood Park.
Everyone pitched in to help the community and the environment.
Pack and Troop meeting resume on Tuesday, Sept. 23 at You, Inc.

Want to sell popcorn online?

Did you know that you can email family and friends to see if they'd like to help support your Cub Scout and our Pack?

Just follow the steps below: 

1. Go to
2. If you already have a username and password, login and skip to step 8.
3. If you're a new user click on “Create an Account” at the top of the page and choose “Scout” in the drop-down menu.
4. You’ll need to enter a birth date to continue.
5. Fill in the form. The Council name is Mohegan. The District is Quinsigamond. Our Unit is Pack 0070 - Our Lady of Lourdes.
6. You must enter an email address for the Scout and an adult. If the Scout doesn't have an email address, a parent or guardian can use his/her address in both fields.
7. The adult will get an email to verify the Registration. Click on the dark red Activate Account bar in the email.
8. Once you’ve logged in to the site, click on the “Spread the Word” link in the top navigation bar. Enter the names and emails for anyone you'd like to share the fundraiser with.

Good luck! We sincerely appreciate everyone's efforts in supporting Pack 70.