Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Halloween Party

A great time was had by all at Pack 70's Halloween Party. A special thanks go to the interns from MCPHS for running the games, parents for helping out with great refreshments and of course the Boy Scouts of Pack 70 for outdoing themselves once again with their Haunted Rooms.

Congratulations to our costume contest winners: Nathan M. for Most Creative (Luigi), Conner for Most Hilarious (Gremlin), Ethan for Most Crafty (Finn the Human) and Nathaniel for Most Spooky (Jester).


Scouts and siblings had a blast at the annual Spook-O-Ree held at Treasure Valley. On top of all the were fun activities like a haunted house, knocking out "zombies," painting and pumpkin relays. Spookiest of all was certainly putting your hand in the mystery boxes to feel fingernails, eyeballs, even sliced frog...

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cascades Hike

Scouts, parents and siblings had a great time on October 19 hiking just over three miles along the Cascades Trails. We traveled through colorful foliage and three different towns (Worcester, Holden and Paxton) then back again. Once we returned to the trail head, Akela Ben treated everyone to homemade candy apples. Very tasty and very sticky! Everyone is welcome to join us at our next monthly hike planned for Sunday, November  16. More details to come at upcoming Pack meetings.

Guest Speaker from the Shriners

On October 14, we welcomed Ryan Capstick from the Worcester Shrine Club to speak at the start of Pack 70's meeting.

 Mr. Capstick told us all about the good work the Shriners do throughout our community, especially in raising donations for children's hospitals.
He also let the Scouts try on his special hat.
Thank you to Mr. Capstick for enlightening us all. We'll keep bringing in those can tabs for a good cause.