Wednesday, April 15, 2015


After spending the previous meeting reviewing pocketknife safety, Scouts in the Bear and Arrow of Light dens spent the last meeting whittling. Using "knives" made out of popsicle sticks (and one Cub Scout pocketknife) the boys did a great job carving canoes out of soap.

If you'd like to try this at home, check out this link:

Go here for more information about knife safety and the Whittling Chip award:

Best of all, we never needed to open the First Aid kit.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Derby and Campout Fun

We hope everyone had a great time at our annual Pinewood Derby and overnight camp-out at the West Lodge of Treasure Valley. While the weather wasn't great for outdoor activities, the Scouts did "enjoy" a brisk jaunt through the still surprising deep snow. Indoor activities included making race pennants, a Nerf gun rifle range, practicing first aid with band-aids, making a stretcher out of a blanket & poles, constructing kites, a campfire performance with skits and open mic jokes plus, of course, S'Mores.

A special thank you goes out to all the adults for helping keeping the weekend safe and enjoyable. If anyone has any pictures they'd like to share on the blog, please send them to