Monday, October 7, 2013

Spaghetti Dinner!

On Saturday, Oct. 5, Pack 70 conducted a spaghetti dinner fundraiser at the Ducharme Center.

We had a fantastic turnout with dozens of families, friends and neighbors arriving for supper and almost all of our Cub Scouts volunteering. We hope everyone got their fill of salad, bread, pasta and meatballs then took part in the bake sale with its array of cookies, cakes and other treats.

The boys displayed teamwork in action as they helped get the room ready, delivered food to our guests and later cleared the tables. (No Scouts had to do any dishes that night, luckily for them, but feel free to have them help with that at home!)

We also want to highlight the very generous local businesses that donated food and supplies:
- George's Bakery
- Dunkin' Donuts
- Mrs. Mack's Bakery
- Price Chopper
- Stop & Shop
- Widoff's Modern Bakery
We invite everyone to patronize these organizations and help show our appreciation for their support.

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this successful fundraiser. Stay tuned for news on how we hope to use these funds for our Scouts.

P.S. - The only downside to such a busy night is that the den leaders didn't get a chance to take any pictures. If you have any images you'd like to share please send them to